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Special Operations Research Program

CNA’s Special Operations Research Program works across our organization to coordinate analyses of special operations and the forces that conduct them. Our experts bring to our research projects, wargames, and field billets a thorough understanding of complex issues facing Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders, and other special operations forces (SOF). Our analyses have focused on special operations force design, exercises and training, workforce management, infrastructure, support, acquisition, resourcing and costs, as well as regional security.

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Why Special Operations?

Dr. Jonathan Schroden explains why SOF are uniquely suited to difficult policy problems requiring unorthodox solutions. The answer lies in the consideration of risk.

New Leadership for a New Generation

While some aspects of US Special Operations Forces’ leadership approach align well with what younger generations expect, critical gaps remain. Researchers recommend ways to address this issue so that SOF can best develop its future leaders.

Most of the work products for the Special Operations Research Program are classified or have distribution limited to the Department of Defense. Visitors with appropriate credentials can find these reports on the CNA SIPR site.


Megan Katt , Director
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