Linda Pikulin
- Health Analytics and Medical Readiness
Linda Pikulin is an expert in Military Health System data, including the use of clinical data to evaluate psychological health care and develop Navy medical force manning requirements. As human subjects review coordinator for the Center for Naval Analyses, she advises and supports project directors through the human subjects review process. Pikulin has served as CNA’s scientific analyst to the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery and directed studies on clinical research quality, clinical informatics, and increasing the operational roles of Navy family nurse practitioners. She was also study director for the Psychological Health Risk-Adjusted Model for Staffing (PHRAMS), a population-based, risk-adjusted staffing model and desktop user application that projects staffing requirements for psychological health services for more than 9 million eligible beneficiaries of the Defense Health Plan, a project sponsored by the Defense Health Agency.
Pikulin has a Certificate in Data Science from Rutgers University, a Master of Science in statistics from George Mason University, and a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics from Susquehanna University.