AI2 joins forces with Microsoft Research to upgrade search tools for scientific studies: Semantic Scholar | Microsoft Academic Graph
An Artificial Neuron Implemented on an Actual Quantum Processor
Tesla On Autopilot Slams into Police Car
Tumblr's Porn-Detecting AI Has One Job—and It's Bad at It
Dataset Distillation [Note: results generalize to other interpretation algorithms (different from grad-CAM) as well]
- Towards Hiding Adversarial Examples from Network Interpretation
- Earlier work that introduced Grad-CAM: Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization
Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled by Strange Poses of Familiar Objects: Technical paper | Code and data
Things of the Week
Reports of the Week
- AI Narratives Report (30 pages, pdf) | Project Homepage
- AI Index Report
Foundational “Problem” and Paper of the Week
- The Symbol-Grounding Problem
- “Why Robot Brains Need Symbols,” by Gary Marcus, Nautilus, 6 Dec, 2018:
- Dec 2017 debate between Marcus and Lecunn (2 hr video) [We posted this a year ago]
- Chinese Room Argument (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Book of the Week
- Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects (2018) by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (206 pages)
Videos of the Week
- True Artificial Intelligence will change everything: TEDx talk (15 min) | Jürgen Schmidhuber homepage [lots of fascinating stuff]