Arlington, VA

CNA is actively committed to understanding issues of diversity and intersectionality around race, gender and other identities.  

CNA CEO Katherine McGrady today announced the theme for the 2023 Inclusive National Security (InclusiveNatSec) seminar series. This year the series will explore intersectionality and national security. InclusiveNatSec is a CNA-funded initiative dedicated to fostering discussions on inclusivity among the community of national security professionals who are exploring the implications of structural biases in their work.

“The InclusiveNatSec Seminar Series has provided CNA with an opportunity to fill a critical gap in both national security analysis and our community,” said McGrady. “The series provides a forum where professionals, researchers, and practitioners can explore the implications of intersectionality in the national security enterprise and what leaders can do to counter the influence of structural and systemic biases.”

The 2023 theme of intersectionality builds on the success of the past two years of the series, which focused on the themes of racism and gender, respectively, and national security. Intersectionality brings these themes together and expands upon them, as it is used as a lens to understand how multiple components of an individual’s identity impact how they are treated and experience the world. Planned topics for 2023 include gendered and racialized misinformation, climate change and its impacts, retention and promotion within the armed forces, and sexism and authoritarianism.

The series brings together subject matter experts and practitioners from across the U.S. government, universities, research institutions and the private sector. Speakers have included a USAID chief strategy officer, a Joint Staff deputy division chief, the vice president of security at Google, an Army lieutenant general, and award-winning authors and distinguished professors from around the world.

CNA is actively committed to understanding issues of diversity, race, gender, and intersectionality, educating the wider community, uplifting marginalized voices, and furthering change. To learn more about InclusiveNatSec and explore the first two years of the seminar series, visit Those who are interested in joining the InclusiveNatSec community can attend an upcoming event, follow the group on Twitter, and join the mailing list.