Innovation Day
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Room 214 | Check-in and networking |
1:30 p.m. - 1:35 p.m. | Room 214 | Welcome remarks, Dr. Katherine McGrady, President and CEO, CNA |
1:35 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. | Room 214 | Remarks, Halleh Seyson, Vice President and Director, CNA Enterprise Systems and Data Analysis Division |
1:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. | Room 214 | Keynote address, Vice Admiral Peter W. Gautier, Deputy Commandant for Operations, US Coast Guard |
2:15 p.m. - 2:35 p.m. | Room 203 | Ecosystem Mapping for Climate Change
Presenter: Dawn Thomas |
2:45 p.m. - 3:05 p.m. | Room 203 | CNA's LLM Journey: Balance Between Innovation and Security
Presenter: Gregor Goodman |
3:15 p.m. - 3:35 p.m. | Room 203 | Modeling Cyber Force Commander Decisions
Presenter: Dr. John Spey |
3:45 p.m. - 4:05 p.m. | Room 203 | Innovative Use of Autonomous Solutions for National Security
Presenter: Dr. Steve Habicht |
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Room 200 | Targeting Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-Information: Recognizing Risks and Reducing Vulnerability Moderator: Stephanie Stapleton
Panelists: Dr. Megan McBride and Dr. Ethan Porter (George Washington University) |
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Room 201 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Solutions for Public Safety Moderator: Dr. David Broyles Panelists: John Crissman, Shaelynn Hales, and Dr. Brittany Cunningham |
3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Room 200 | Taiwan: Lessons Learned from the Russia-Ukraine War
Moderator: Maryanne Kivlehan-Wise Panelists: Dr. April Herlevi and Dr. Kevin Pollpeter (China Aerospace Studies Institute) |
3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Room 201 | CNA's Force Design Lab: Shaping the Navy's Future Force
Moderator: Cherie Rosenblum Panelists: Gordon Jaquith and Dr. Jon Bollinger |
4:45 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. | Room 214 | Closing remarks, Cherie Rosenblum, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives |
4:50 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Servery | Reception with light fare and cash bar |
1:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Room 214 | Poster displays open in the Exposition Hall |
Time | Podium Presentations Room 203 |
Panel Discussions Room 200 |
Panel Discussions Room 201 |
Exposition Hall Poster Displays Room 214 |
1:00 p.m. | Check-in | |||
1:15 p.m. | ||||
1:30 p.m. | Opening Remarks & Keynote Address | |||
1:45 p.m. | ||||
2:00 p.m. | Exposition Hall Poster Displays Open | |||
2:15 p.m. | Ecosystem Mapping for Climate Change | |||
2:30 p.m. | ||||
2:45 p.m. | CNA's LLM Journey: Balance between Innovation and Security | Targeting Mis-, Dis-, and Mal- Information: Recognizing Risks and Reducing Vulnerability | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions for Public Safety | |
3:00 p.m. | ||||
3:15 p.m. | Modeling Cyber Force Commander Decisions | |||
3:30 p.m. | ||||
3:45 p.m. | Innovative Use of Autonomous Solutions for National Security | Taiwan: Lessons Learned from the Russia- Ukraine War | CNA's Force Design Lab: Shaping the Navy's Future Force | |
4:00 p.m. | ||||
4:15 p.m. | ||||
4:30 p.m. | ||||
4:45 p.m. | Closing Remarks | |||
5:00 p.m. | Reception in Servery | Exposition Hall Poster Displays Open | ||
6:00 p.m. | ||||
6:30 p.m. |

- CNA: Shaping the Future Through Research
- Pulling Back the Curtain: Examining Better Metrics on Law Enforcement Officer Deaths by Suicide
- Geospatial Science: Integrating Generative AI to Amplify Capabilities
- Increasing MDM Resiliency in the Workplace/li>
- Morse Code: Deploying CNA's Secure LLM
- Autonomous Solutions Research
- Force Development Tool: Interactive Navy Shipbuilding Plan
- Use of AI/ML for Public Safety
- DARPA Triage Challenge: Automated Decision-Making in Mass Casualty Events
- Tradeoffs for Federal Government Use of Digital Twins
- Comparing LLM Performance to Human Analysts
- Modeling Cyber Force Commander Decisions
- Ecosystem Mapping for Climate Change
- Russia-Ukraine War: Taiwan Lessons Learned
- CNA's Hunt Series: Wargames for Information Warfare Training
- Opportunities for US Special Operations in Countering Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
- At Any Cost: An Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Wargame
Podium Presentations
Ecosystem Mapping for Climate Change
As the effects of the Earth's changing climate are being experienced every day in US cities and towns, government agencies can no longer afford to put off planning for and adapting to the realities of the changing climate. In most jurisdictions, understanding the intricacies of the stakeholder network is surprisingly difficult.
Dawn Thomas discusses CNA's work developing an ecosystem map for the City of New Orleans that depicts the different agencies and organizations that have authority and/or responsibility for addressing climate change, their interconnections, and independent and shared responsibilities to mitigate the effects of-or adapt to-climate change.
CNA's LLM Journey: Balance Between Innovation and Security
Gregor Goodman shares CNA's journey in developing "Morse Code," a private, secure large language model, accessible to all CNA employees. This advanced AI tool is designed to enhance productivity and quality while prioritizing robust security. As stewards of government data, maintaining the highest security standards is essential for CNA. Gregor will discuss the critical infrastructure supporting Morse Code, strategies for balancing data security with innovation, and key lessons learned in building CNA's internal LLM.
Modeling Cyber Force Commander Decisions
Existing models of cyber combat have not been suited to exploring questions of impact, capacity, and timing. Dr. John Spey provides an overview of CNA's work developing an agent-based computer simulation model of cyber combat at the high-tactical/operational level that rapidly explores the range of outcomes from different strategies within broadly defined scenarios.
Innovative Use of Autonomous Solutions for National Security
The use of autonomous systems for safety and security missions is continuing to grow due to their ability to enhance operational effectiveness and serve as a "force multiplier" for operators. With a proliferation of new technology and the inherent connectedness required to make it all work, the need to secure these operations is paramount. Dr. Steve Habicht follows CNA's progress through research and demonstrations dedicated to exploring these use cases and ensuring the safety and security of these technologies for critical operations.
Panel Discussions
Targeting Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-Information: Recognizing Risks and Reducing Vulnerability
This panel focuses on research advancing our understanding of how to increase psychological resilience to MDM. Panelists will discuss domestic and international challenges related to
MDM, the critical need for evidence-based interventions, and the innovative work CNA is doing-with partners from George Washington University and MIT-to advance our understanding of how to design and implement effective interventions in real-world environments.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions for Public Safety
This panel will discuss two CNA projects in this area: First Responder Awareness Monitoring during Emergencies (FRAME™) and Forecasting for Officer Safety. FRAME™ is a prototype system that uses machine learning to process Internet of Things (IoT) data and provide increased situational awareness for first responders during emergencies. Forecasting for Officer Safety is a project that uses machine learning to identify factors related to high-risk incidents for law enforcement officers. These projects demonstrate the potential of AI to improve public safety by enhancing decision-making, improving situational awareness, and identifying potential risks.
Taiwan: Lessons Learned from the Russia-Ukraine War
"Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow" is now a commonly used phrase in Taiwan. For decades, Taiwan treated a potential invasion by the People's Republic of China (PRC) as a remote possibility. However, the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has made a PRC invasion of Taiwan appear more credible and generated a sense of urgency among some leaders in Taiwan. This sense of urgency has prompted the Taiwan government and military to enact multifaceted reform with the goal of turning the Taiwan military into a credible deterrent and warfighting force. While some reform debates predate the Russia-Ukraine war, Taiwan government officials have taken lessons from Ukraine to guide restructuring of Taiwan's military forces. This panel will discuss five key lessons learned from the Ukraine conflict: (1) changes in the terms of service for conscripts, (2) changes to military training, (3) the role of uncrewed autonomous systems, (4) the need for satellite communications connectivity, and (5) the importance of defending against cognitive warfare operations.
CNA's Force Design Lab: Shaping the Navy's Future Force
This panel will explore principles of force design and the vision and execution behind CNA's Force Design Lab, a suite of rapid, flexible, quantitative, and transparent tools built to inform Navy force design and programmatic decision-making. The Force Design Lab is made up of distinct modules. Some focus on a specific area-such as detectability or survivability. Others provide fleet-wide insights via metrics such as force flow, vertical launching system (VLS) totals, and fuel. All are designed to explore multiple futures and run n minutes, producing quick-turn, flexible, and statistically rigorous analysis as a complement to more time- and resource-intensive methods. This panel discussion will cover the state of CNA's work and the potential impact.
Exposition Hall Poster Displays
Open 1:00 p.m. -6:30 p.m. | Room 214
► Tradeoffs for Federal Government Use of Digital Twins
As a nonprofit research organization, CNA is uniquely positioned to provide the government with unbiased, objective, and data-driven analysis of costs, benefits, risks, and rewards in considering digital twins. Leveraging our expertise in aviation, emerging technology, and machine learning, we analyzed where digital twins could provide the government with opportunities for process improvements and long-term cost savings, while avoiding operational and cybersecurity risk.
► Use of AI/ML for Public Safety
First Responder Awareness Monitoring during Emergencies (FRAME™) and Safe Warnings for Intersections Forecasting Tool (SWIFT™) leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) on Internet of Things (IoT) data to address government challenges of responding to emergencies and reducing traffic deaths. We leveraged CNA experience in AI/ML pipeline development, IoT data processing, public safety, and emergency management to improve public safety decision-making capabilities.
► Autonomous Solutions Research
CNA helps government and industry partners prepare for the future of autonomous systems. We have capabilities in prototyping, validation, and concept feasibility. Our team provides multidisciplinary expertise in various emerging technologies: uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), UAS traffic management (UTM), extensible traffic management (xTM), urban air mobility (UAM), advanced air mobility (AAM), and port security and public safety. The projects covered are: UAS Cooperative Airspace Traffic Simulation (UCATS™), Improving UAS Cybersecurity Posture, CNA-RIIS UAS Indoor Solution for Emergency Response (CRUISER™), Autonomous Systems (UxS) for Port Security and Emergency Response.
► Pulling Back the Curtain: Examining Better Metrics on Law
In 2023, CNA partnered with the nonprofit First H.E.L.P. to analyze the data it has amassed on public safety personnel deaths by suicide. First H.E.L.P.'s efforts represent a notable stride toward gathering reliable data on this issue. CNA published the first examination of a systematic, national, and comprehensive effort to collect data on the extent of public safety deaths by suicide.
► Ecosystem Mapping for Climate Change
This analytic effort focused on a network analysis and associated ecosystem map of climate change resilience actions in the City of New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA). CNA engaged with NOLA's five climate action priority areas: economy, waste, energy, transportation, and adaptation and nature-based solutions. Through the lens of a network analysis and an ecosystem model, CNA identified the relationships between the ecosystem orchestrator and the various builders. This analysis can support the NOLA Office of Resilience to use a more informed approach in studying NOLA's climate goals.
► Modeling Cyber Force Commander Decisions
Previous models of cyber combat were not suited to exploring impact, capacity, and timing. Cyber kill chains describe the high-level progression of cyber- intrusions in limited detail, while systems-level efforts only assess specific networks against specific threats. CNA's Cyber Combat Model explores the middle ground, helping cyber commanders understand how to win.
► Opportunities for US Special Operations in Countering Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
CNA characterized the nature and scope of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities by the People's Republic of China (PRC), the set of approaches that nations have available to them to address and counter IUU fishing, the degree to which these approaches are aligned to the nature of the PRC's activities, and the degree to which US special operations forces might be able to contribute to the application of those tools.
► Russia-Ukraine War: Taiwan Lessons Learned
CNA examined Taiwan's lessons learned from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Taiwan government and military have enacted multifaceted reform with the goal of turning the Taiwan military into a credible deterrent and warfighting force. While some reform debates predate the Russia- Ukraine war, Taiwan government officials have taken lessons from Ukraine to guide restructuring of Taiwan's military forces.
► Morse Code: Deploying CNA's Secure LLM
Morse Code is CNA's secure, private large language model (LLM). By enhancing the speed and quality of our analysis, Morse Code promotes more informed decision-making for a wide range of governmental challenges. This strategic initiative upholds the highest standards of data privacy and security, providing a scalable solution tailored specifically to the government's unique needs.
► Force Development Tool: Interactive Navy Shipbuilding Plan
CNA innovated on the traditional Navy shipbuilding plan document. CNA developed a public, online tool for exploring the Navy's 30-year plan to help generate informed public discussion about its strengths and weaknesses. While the implications of modifications to the plan have traditionally been difficult to understand, an online interactive tool can make these "what-if" questions easier to explore.
► CNA's Hunt Series: Wargames for Information Warfare Training
The Hunt™ series provides Marine Corps Information and Navy information warfare training in the form of an in-the-box board game. Every Marine, Sailor, and mariner has a role in winning the hider-finder battle, ensuring their survivability and continued lethality. EAB Hunt™, ARG Hunt™, and CLF Hunt™ help increase the knowledge of players to win the hider-finder battle.
► At Any Cost: An Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Wargame
CNA's wargaming team, in partnership with the Pew Charitable Trusts, developed a two-day learning workshop and tabletop game on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The game, "At Any Cost," takes an innovative approach that places players inside the decision spaces of different actors-including illegal fishers. Understanding motivations empowers players to find realistic solutions.
► DARPA Triage Challenge: Automated Decision-Making in Mass Casualty Events
CNA participated in the first phase of a groundbreaking programming competition, the DARPA Triage Challenge (DTC). DARPA launched the DTC for the purpose of developing an innovative approach to assist medical responders in rapidly and accurately triaging casualties. Triage, a standard medical practice of allocating treatment to patients based on resources to maximize survivability, has unique challenges and limitations when responding to mass casualty incidents in austere settings.
► Comparing LLM Performance to Human Analysts
Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to answer complex questions or "queries" about lengthy documents in seconds. This CNA- funded project sought to determine whether the ChatGPT 4.0 LLM can answer a complex policy-based query as well as or better than a CNA analyst and whether users can quickly adjust the parameters of LLM prompts to provide similar results.
► Geospatial Science: Integrating Generative AI to Amplify Capabilities
This project assesses the feasibility of integrating AI models into CNA's geospatial and GIS processes, studies best practices for prompting and interacting with AI models, and explores future directions by creating proof- of-concept geospatial products.
► Increasing MDM Resiliency in the Workplace
This project is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of combining two evidence-based techniques for increasing resilience to mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM): inoculation and media literacy. CNA developed a longitudinal experimental research design with nine experimental conditions to assess how these interventions impact individuals' belief in the accuracy of MDM and their interest in sharing MDM on social media.
► CNA: Shaping the Future Through Research
For over 80 years, CNA has fostered a culture of innovation and forward- thinking creativity at all levels of the organization. Beyond delivering thought leadership and innovative solutions to our everyday work supporting clients and sponsors, we continuously invest in independent research projects that explore new tools and approaches for addressing emerging challenges. CNA's Innovation Incubator (CNAi²) houses some of our innovative public- facing work.