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Justice Research and Innovation

BTAM: A Deep Bench of Resources
BTAM: Cooperation, Not Coercion
BTAM: Pros and Cons of Different Cadences
BTAM: The Critical Role of Parents
BTAM: There Are No "Typical" Cases
BTAM: The Interagency Approach
The Challenge of Detecting Ideologically Unattached Terrorists
Lines of media, images, and numbers converging
Dr. Megan McBride on Increasing Resilience to Misinformation in the Workplace
GEAR UP CT Partnership Survey Results
Crime Scene tape, out-of-focus people
Policing needs to be more victim-centered, trauma-informed
Suicidality Among Domestic Terrorists
casket draped in U.S. flag inside hearse
What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us
Individualized Focused Deterrence in St. Louis Police
The Impact of Individualized Focused Deterrence on Crime
An Assessment of Michigan State Police Traffic Enforcement
A Pilot Risk Assessment Model for Law Enforcement Patrol
cropped image of a circle of people in a group discussion session
Listening Session 1: Juvenile Justice System Crime Analysts
cropped image of a circle of people in a group discussion session
Listening Session 2: Juvenile Defenders on COVID-19 Policies for the Long-Term
cropped image of a circle of people in a group discussion session
Listening Session 6: Juvenile Court Judges
cropped image of a circle of people in a group discussion session
Listening Session 3: State Juvenile Justice Agency Administrators
The Benefits Of Body-Worn Cameras In A Local Jail Setting
Computerized map with crime locations highlighted
Crime Analyst in Residence Program Success Stories
Work and Life Stressors of Law Enforcement Personnel
first page of text
Law Enforcement Trainee Health and Wellness Bulletin
Computerized map with crime locations highlighted
Crime analysis education, certification, careers with police