Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
CNA is committed to building and sustaining a diverse workforce and an inclusive environment.
Employees with different points of view, frames of reference and life experiences bring an energy and unique advantage that is essential to delivering on our mission. At CNA, we believe diversity and inclusion reflects the world in which we live.
It creates a dynamic work environment that fosters trust, innovation and excellence, while providing an atmosphere where every employee feels respected, motivated and empowered to perform at a peak level.
CNA has developed a concrete set of goals to guide our work and hold ourselves accountable:
Workforce Diversity: Build and develop a diverse, high‑performing workforce by recruiting from a diverse, qualified group of potential applicants representative of all segments of the United States.
Workplace Inclusion: Create a dynamic and inclusive work environment that fosters trust, innovation and excellence, while providing an atmosphere where every employee feels respected, motivated and empowered to perform at a peak level.
Leadership: Equip leaders with the ability to build and sustain a diverse and inclusive workplace while creating a dynamic environment that fosters trust, innovation and excellence.
To measure our progress and achieve our goals, we have created strategies and specific actions, led and facilitated by employees at all levels and from all backgrounds.
CNA's Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) working groups are an integral part of the overall D&I strategy. There are three cross-functional, employee-led working groups called "pillars."
1. The Environment at CNA working group ensures CNA's environment is conducive to retaining a diverse workforce. It determines today's D&I environment baseline, identifies key issues and establishes an implementation plan to address them. Activities include lunch and learn sessions, training and an annual D&I event.
2. The Hiring Pipeline working group supports CNA’s effort to develop a diverse workforce. The group explores and develops options for increasing the diversity of CNA's candidate pipeline in gender, race, academic qualifications and other demographics. The Hiring Pipeline working group also partners with Human Resources to oversee the Campus Engagement Initiative.
3. The Speaker Series working group introduces and engages CNA staff with a variety of perspectives on diversity and inclusion. The Speaker Series hopes to build a conversation around the D&I key issues found at baseline and share research on the impact of D&I in the workplace.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led groups formed around common interests and bonds or similar backgrounds. They allow members to advocate for better, more inclusive workplace and business practices. All of CNA's ERGs are voluntary and open to any employee.
Current ERGs include:
Pride @ CNA: Offers a safe space for LGBTQ+ employees and allies to discuss concerns and celebrate pride. Contact pride_leads@cna.org with any questions.
SupportHers: Sponsors meetings and events aimed at addressing the challenges women face in the workplace.
D&I Coffee Table: Holds monthly get-togethers to promote education and discuss D&I content we have been reading, listening to, or watching.
Working Parents: Identifies, recommends and helps implement actions CNA can take to assist employees with school-age or younger children.
Young Professionals: Creates a space for new, young professionals to meet one another, find mentors within CNA, and learn how to be successful in the work environment.
Caregivers of People with Disabilities: Supports employees with children, siblings or dependents with disabilities, while helping CNA build supportive policies and an inclusive environment.
Message from the CEO
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Carnegie Mellon University
Catholic University of America
Cornell University
Duke University
Florida A&M University *
George Mason University
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Georgetown University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Howard University *
Jackson State University *
Johns Hopkins University
* Historically Black College or University
Marymount University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Morgan State University *
Norfolk State University *
North Carolina A&T University *
North Carolina State University
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University
Purdue University
Stanford University
Texas A&M University
Tufts University
University of Alaska
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Pennsylvania
University of Texas
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin
Virginia Institute of Technology (Virginia Tech)
If you have any questions about CNA’s D&I efforts, please reach out to Elisa Soto, sotoe@cna.org.