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Our Reports

CNA analysts produce some 250 reports each year. Those that are available for public release can be found on this page, organized by year.

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Jun 2023
Joint Task Force Civil Support, an organizational analysis
National Security Seminar logo
Jun 2023
Nuclear Cooperation with Strategic Competitors
Jun 2023
How to Use Administrative Data to Measure and Interpret Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Military Justice Outcomes
Jun 2023
Exploring Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Military Justice System
Inclusive NatSec Logo
Jun 2023
Inclusive NatSec: How Disinformation Divides Communities of Color
package delivery drones in flight
Jun 2023
Agent-Based Modeling of Uncrewed Aircraft System Flight Planning for Airspace Fairness
Ukrainian HIMARS on combat mission
Jun 2023
US/NATO-Russian Strategic Stability and the War in Ukraine
view of earth from space with the Russian and Chinese flags faded in the background
Apr 2023
China-Russia Space Cooperation: Implications of a Growing Relationship
Russian Ministry of Defense.
Mar 2023
Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation
Photo of drone
Mar 2023
Russia’s Use of Uncrewed Systems in Ukraine
Inclusive National Security logo
May 2023
Inclusive NatSec: Climate Conflicts and Environmental Peacebuilding
National Security Seminar logo with trident
May 2023
Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations