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is the 26th annual Department of Defense (DoD) report on social
representation in the U.S. Military Services. In response to a mandate
by the Senate Committee on Armed Services (Report 93-884, May 1974), the
Directorate for Accession Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of
Defense (Force Management Policy) has provided annual data addressing
the quality and representativeness of military personnel since fiscal
year (FY) 1975. Originally, the report was limited to an assessment of
the active duty enlisted force only. In keeping with an increased emphasis
and reliance on a Total Force, Accession Policy has expanded this effort
to include statistics not only for enlisted personnel but also for officers
and reservists. In addition to presenting data on each of the Military
Services, since last year, data on the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) are also
provided. Although an armed service, the Coast Guard is part of the Department
of Transportation except in times of war and national emergency when it
reports to the Department of the Navy.
report presents a broad array of characteristicsbeyond routine demographics
(e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity). Estimates of cognitive ability (e.g.,
education, reading grade level, Armed Forces Qualification Test [AFQT]
scores) supplemented with more complex composite measures (e.g., socioeconomic
status) and service characteristics (e.g., years of service and pay grade)
also are used to describe the force. Further, historical data are included
to aid in analyzing trends to render the statistics more interpretable.
Thus, recruit quality, representation rates, and the like can be viewed
within the context of the preceding decades. These data are invaluable
to military personnel policymakers and analysts as well as others interested
in monitoring the characteristics of people serving in the Military Services.
The aim of the Population Representation report is to disseminate facts
regarding the demographics and other characteristics of applicants, new
recruits, and enlisted and officer members of the Active Forces and Reserve
Components. Aptitude, education levels, age, race/ethnicity, and gender
are among the mainstay statistics that shed light on the formidable task
of recruiting and maintaining the force. Years of military service and
pay grade provide measures of the degree of personnel experience as well
as career progress that are particularly informative when examined by
gender and race/ethnicity. Representation levels may change only slightly
from year to year but monitoring racial/ethnic and gender participation
together with additional relevant factors maintains needed attention on
the characteristics and quality levels of the men and women who defend
our country.
chapters that follow provide a narrative description with selected tables
and graphs, as well as a detailed set of technical appendices addressing
many of the traits and characteristics of current military personnel.
This chapter sets the tone and provides some interpretive guidance with
regard to the voluminous contents of the Population Representation report.