D–1 |
Number of 18-Year-Old Youth
by Gender and Military NPS Accession Requirements, 1950-2010 |
D–2 |
Civilian Unemployment Rate by Age Group, 1995-2004 |
D–3 |
Ratio of NPS Active Component
Enlisted Accessions to Applicants, FYs 1976-2004 |
D–4 |
NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by
Service, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–5 |
Female NPS Active Component
Enlisted Accessions by Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs
1964, 1970-2004 |
D–6 |
NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by
Marital Status and Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs 1976-2004 |
D–7 |
NPS Active Component Enlisted
Accessions with High School Diplomas by Service with Civilian Comparison
Group, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–8 |
NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by
AFQT Category, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–9 |
High Quality NPS Active
Component Enlisted Accessions by Service, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–10 |
NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by
Geographical Region, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–11 |
Active Component Enlisted
Strength, FYs 1964, 1973-2004 (in Thousands B-23) |
D–12 |
Mean Age and Months of Service of Active Component
Enlisted Members, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–13 |
Female Active Component
Enlisted Members by Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs 1964,
1970-2004 |
D–14 |
Active Component Enlisted Members by Marital
Status and Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–15 |
Active Component Officer
Accessions, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–16 |
Female Active Component Officer Accessions
by Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–17 |
Active Component Officer
Strength, FYs 1973-2004 |
Mean Age and Months of Service of Active Component
Officers, FYs 1973-2004 |
Female Active Component
Officers by Service with Civilian Comparison Group, FYs 1973-2004 |
D–20 |
Reserve Component Enlisted Strength, FYs 1974-2004 |
D–21 |
Reserve Component Officer
Strength, FYs 1974-2004 |