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Your search for Kevin Pollpeter found 22 results.

china ai and autonomy report: Issue 5, December 16, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 5, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
Kevin Pollpeter and Amanda Kerrigan discuss intelligent warfare and People's Liberation Army (PLA) modernization. The China AI and Autonomy Report will take a break for the holidays and will return
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 1, November 2, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 1, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
this inaugural issue to promote a new CNA report by researchers Kevin Pollpeter and Amanda Kerrigan titled “ The PLA and Intelligent Warfare: A Preliminary Analysis .” The report presents PRC
pla update: Issue 3, April 4, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 3, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
for Strategic Studies. [39] ZHANG TUOSHENG COMMENTARY ON US-TAIWAN RELATIONS Kevin Pollpeter Retired PLA officer warns that military conflict over Taiwan is inevitable if US crosses PRC red lines
China Russia Space Cooperation May 2023
China-Russia space relations suggest a deepening mutual trust and China’s rise as a space power, but secrecy shrouds the full extent of their cooperation.
necessarily call for a reevaluation of the China-Russia space relationship. Kevin Pollpeter Elizabeth Barrett /reports/2023/06/China-Russia-Space-Cooperation-May-2023.pdf /reports/2023/06
PRC Spy Balloon Reveals New Arena of Strategic Competition
The 2023 China spy balloon incident should be understood in the context of other China balloon operations and PRC writings on the military use of balloons.
for meteorological research and had accidentally entered US airspace. Kevin Pollpeter /reports/2023/02/PRC-Spy-Balloon-Reveals-New-Arena-of-Strategic-Competition.pdf /reports/2023/02
Dimensions of Autonomous Decision Making
We identify the dimensions of autonomous decision-making—the potential risk that one should consider before transferring decision-making to an intelligent autonomous system.
: distribution unlimited. Public Release. 12/30/2021 114 DRM-2021-U-030642-1Rev Mark Rosen Sam Bendett Dimensions of Autonomous Decision-making Kevin Pollpeter
Space Domain Awareness as a Strategic Counterweight
This paper examines the role of space domain awareness (SDA) as a strategic counterweight to potential adversary and competitor actions in space.
activities, and solidify its position as the provider of “common goods” in space for allies and partners in a military context and for other countries in a civilian context. Kevin Pollpeter
NATO Ally Contributions to the Space Domain
The emphasis U.S. NATO allies place on space operations presents multiple avenues for the U.S. and its NATO allies to increase and expand capabilities across a range of military space capabilities.
became the Air and Space Operations Center (ASOC) to better integrate space into German military operations. Kevin Pollpeter Elizabeth Barrett /reports/2021/10
The PLA and Intelligent Warfare Preliminary Analysis
China’s army, the PLA, is exploring “intelligent warfare” using AI and autonomous weapons, CNA analysis of PLA writings shows. The US should prepare accordingly.
and algorithms and the denial and degradation of computing systems. Kevin Pollpeter Amanda Kerrigan /reports/2021/10/The-PLA-and-Intelligent-Warfare-A-Preliminary-Analysis.pdf /reports/2021/10
Chinas Role in Outer Space Congestion
This paper addresses how China’s rapidly expanding space program challenges U.S. access to space. In 2011, the U.S. National Security Space Strategy described outer space as “congested, contested, and competitive.” As more countries operate in space, the United States has raised concerns over the sustainability of the space environment, the proliferation of space weapons, and its ability to remain commercially competitive in space. One of the most important countries contributing to the congested, contested, and competitive nature of space is China.
developers may become more prominent as the demand for smaller, less sophisticated, and less expensive satellites lowers customer requirements and expectations for functionality and reliability. Kevin Pollpeter /reports/2021/09/Chinas-Role-in-Making-Outer-Space-More.pdf /reports/2021/09/Chinas-Role-in-Making-Outer-Space-More.PNG /images/GenericReportImage.jpg China Studies Limited Print