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Your search for Islamic State found 21 results.

cna talks: ISIS Tactics
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has received a lot of attention for their innovative tactics on and off the battlefield including their messaging, media activities and technology use. How innovative are they really? And, how should the U.S. and allies react? Listen along as Dr. Eric Thompson talks with four of CNA's experts to discuss what you need to know about ISIS's tactics. Topics include: ISIS's use of social media ISIS's use of drones, car bombs and tunnels The importance of holding territory ISIS's affiliates The effects of and reasons for barbarity The transfer of knowledge online The role of virtual technology
ISIS Tactics The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has received a lot of attention for their innovative tactics on and off the battlefield including their messaging, media activities and technology use. How innovative are they really? And, how should the U.S. and allies react? Listen along as Dr. Eric Thompson talks with four of CNA's experts to discuss what you need to know about ISIS's tactics. Topics include: ISIS's use of social media ISIS's use of drones, car bombs and tunnels The importance of holding territory ISIS's affiliates The effects of and reasons for barbarity