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Your search for Maritime Security found 140 results.

pla update: Issue 10, May 17, 2023
PLA Update, Issue 10, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
DIPLOMACY & OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES China, Singapore Wrap Up Bilateral Maritime Exercise The navies of China and Singapore recently completed a bilateral exercise in the latest sign of growing security ... . This event was the second iteration of the combined exercise since 2015. Maritime Cooperation 2023 follows developments in bilateral security cooperation, including the PRC and Singaporean defense ... Russia's maritime security exercise Arctic Patrol 2023. The exercise scenario reportedly featured the FSB fighting terrorists who had attacked a ship belonging to Rosatomflot, a Russian company
intersections: Issue 8, February 2024
Intersections, Issue 8, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security.
Issue 8 Intersections, Issue 8, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security. /Newsletters/Intersections ... chain and defense industrial base to address national security concerns from Chinese-sourced chips." This survey effort follows a report published by Commerce that same month that identified numerous ... and awarding of CHIPS and Science Act grants are examples of the newly invigorated US approach to industrial policy in support of US national security. Another example is the US Department of Defense's release
intersections: Issue 4, June 2023
Intersections, Issue 4, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security.
Issue 4 Intersections, Issue 4, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security. /Newsletters/Intersections/Issue%204/Intersections-Issue-4.png Issue 4, June 2023 Intersections,  a news digest published by CNA's China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division, describes the interplay between the People's ... . The report  also states that the revised law categorizes cyberattacks as espionage and places all documents, data, material, and items relating to "national security and interests" under the same
Military Dimensions of US China Security Cooperation
This paper was first presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the U.S. Naval War College on 4 – 5 May 2010. It is offered as a CNA paper in advance of the publication of the conference proceedings with the permission of the conference sponsors.
 century, the hypothetical prospects for security cooperation between the U.S. and Chinese defense-military establishments are once again on the rise, especially in the maritime domain and in the realm ... Military Dimensions of US China Security Cooperation The Military Dimensions of U.S. – China Security Cooperation: Retrospective and Future Prospects This paper was first presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the U.S. Naval War College on 4 – 5 May 2010. It is offered as a CNA paper in advance of the publication of the conference proceedings
Maritime Statecraft Workshop Vital to Finding Solutions to America's Commercial Shipping Industry Challenges
The Maritime Statecraft Workshop, organized by the Secretary of the Navy and MARAD in May 2024, saw experts address challenges to rebuilding U.S. maritime power.
The Maritime Statecraft Workshop, organized by the Secretary of the Navy and MARAD in May 2024, saw experts address challenges to rebuilding U.S. maritime power. /images/news/PressRelease.png Maritime Statecraft Workshop Vital to Finding Solutions to America's Commercial Shipping Industry Challenges Workshop Seeks Solutions to Maritime Industry Challenges Last week, the Secretary of the Navy and the U.S. Maritime Administration, or MARAD, organized a Maritime Statecraft Workshop, bringing together experts from the Navy, Coast Guard, Congress, federal agencies, industry, labor, and maritime
The Strategic Studies Group, created by the Chief of Naval Operations in 1981 to prepare Navy officers to think strategically, succeeded, this review finds.
group had immediate impacts on the development of the 1980s’ Maritime Strategy and war plans. The Reagan administration came into office announcing a more aggressive stance vis-à-vis the Soviet ... principles for strategies applying military, economic, and diplomatic power to achieve U.S. aims and broaden the Maritime Strategy . They stimulated the development of contingency plans and stirred ... revisions of the Navy’s classified Maritime Strategy , first briefed in the fall of 1982 and first published as a document in 1984. As the SSG’s influence on the CNO and Navy strategic
pla update: Issue 1, February 4, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 1, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
maritime strategic passage security.”   The exercise involved drills focused on   topics   including navigating through a “naval mine threat area,” destroying floating mines, and shooting targets at sea ... together to maritime security threats had reached an “unprecedented height.”   The rear admiral added that the two sides had explored and established an “organization and coordination mechanism ... of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Each edition of this newsletter will draw on the material and expertise of CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division to provide an update
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 39, May 30, 2022
, and business people. The list of goods and technologies prohibited for export has more than 300 entries, including semiconductors, equipment for maritime and aviation security, telecommunications ... of AI tech and for the code to serve as instrument of “soft” regulation. Thus far, more than 50 organizations in Russia have signed it and have begun to implement its provisions. MILITARY AND SECURITY ... RATNIK COMBAT SYSTEM TURNS 10 YEARS OLD Russia’s Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie (NVO-Independent Military Review), one of Russia’s key online publications about military and security developments
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 40, June 15, 2022
, the Ministry of Digital Transformation held a meeting to discuss different ideas to enhance personal data privacy and security and to heighten the standards of responsibility for companies ... . Military and Security Military AI for monitoring the Black Sea The Russian MOD’s Scientific Research Institute for Long-Distance Radio Communications (NIIDAR, part of the RTI Systems Group ... . Anoshko stated that the system will monitor the maritime environment in real time, receiving data from multiple open and classified sources, with automated processing and analysis of a designated area
Improving US India Cooperation in Indian Ocean
The CNA Corporation conducted this study to determine how the United States can best deepen coordination with India on humanitar- ian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) in the Indian Ocean. This study builds on the findings of a 2012 CNA Corporation study, U.S.- India Security Burden-Sharing?, which identified HA/DR as a functional area in which the United States could advance naval relations with India. This is due to the frequency with which natural disasters strike the region, especially the Bay of Bengal, and, for India, the relative domestic political palatability of working with the United States in the aftermath of natural disasters. The United States is increasingly looking to India to contribute to se- curity in the Indian Ocean. Deepening U.S.-Indian economic con- nections, shared democratic identities, declining U.S. defense budgets, and the rise of China have drawn the United States closer to India as a security partner in the region.
drawn the United States closer to India as a security partner in the region. In 2012, the CNA Corporation examined the potential for the United States and India to coordinate on providing security assistance and capacity-building in the South Asian littoral countries of the Indian Ocean as a form of security burden-sharing. Of all the functional areas of maritime security analyzed, we concluded ... coordination with India on humanitar- ian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) in the Indian Ocean. This study builds on the findings of a 2012 CNA Corporation study, U.S.- India Security