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Your search for Maritime Security found 141 results.

china ai and autonomy report: Issue 16, June 2, 2022
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 16, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
victory. These include the peacetime prepositioning of naval forces, the use of naval deterrence, controlling sea lines of communications, and maritime security governance. Research and Development ... on the global balance of power. Consequently, emerging powers must seek ways to break the dominance of the traditional powers by shaping the international maritime environment. In this regard, only ... to the author, in the past, threats to naval vessels came mainly from the surface of the ocean. Naval warfare now involves operations not only in the maritime domain but also in the outer space, air
Department of the Navy and Strategic Competition with the PRC
Near-term recommendations for how the Navy can better position itself for competition below the threshold of armed conflict..
of the national security interests and prosperity of the United States." In essence, the FY 2023 NDAA language codifies and reinforces what the Navy does on a day-to-day basis. However, it also brings ... the capabilities and capacity that are promoting current national security goals during peacetime and wartime. Up to now, the US has been unwilling to make such stark choices, instead making ... in the peacetime promotion of national security in an environment of global competition. Following the recommendation summaries below, we also summarize our concluding thoughts for this paper
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 45, September 7, 2022
existing IT activity can only be used on its existing project.  Military and Security New Russian Maritime Doctrine emphasizes new technology development and acquisition On July 31, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled a new national maritime doctrine. The doctrine emphasizes Russia’s place as a major naval power and features many provisions that aim to support and underscore that status. The document designates the United States and NATO to be Russia’s competitors across the maritime domain. The doctrine calls for the formation, development, and implementation of priority
pla update: Issue 20, April 30, 2024
PLA Update, Issue 20, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
. Maritime security focus. The PRC Defense Ministry spokesperson noted that the exercise focused on counterpiracy and search and rescue and that it featured more than 10 training topics ... " in pursuit of national security, "shaping new advantages" in strategic competition with great powers, and "creating new combat capabilities to win future wars." In their opinion piece, the scholars ... to the formulation of international rules in matters such as AI standards, space traffic management, and marine protection regulations; providing "international governance public security products
Jeffrey D. Becker's Research Program Director, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, CNA, Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Hearing titled “China’s Military Diplomacy and Overseas Security Activities,”Panel II: Military Diplomacy for Improving Capabilities and Access
Jeff-Becker-Testimony Jeffrey D. Becker's Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Jeffrey D. Becker's Research Program Director, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, CNA, Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Hearing titled “China’s Military Diplomacy and Overseas Security Activities,”Panel II: Military Diplomacy for Improving ... enterprises (SOEs), have spent billions on critical infrastructure projects around the globe. More recently, Xi Jinping’s April 2022 speech at the Boao Forum, in which he proposed forming a “Global Security
US India Security Burden Sharing
Building a partnership with India is central to U.S. security interests in the Indian Ocean (IO). The United States seeks to work with India to promote stability in a region of rising commercial and strategic importance. U.S. policymakers view India as an “anchor” or “pillar” of stability in the Asia-Pacific. Given declining defense budgets, however, the United States will have fewer resources for its forces and partner capacity-building in this vast region. Envisioning India as a “provider of security in the broader Indian Ocean region,” the United States is naturally eager to pursue burden-sharing opportunities with India as a means to this end. India for its part understands that the United States expects it to assume a greater leadership role in the IO and appreciates the importance of its growing economic and naval capabilities. In 2010, then-Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao spoke about the growing view that “a robust Indian naval presence is seen as a necessary contribution to a cooperative regional security order” and discussed “the cooperative burden-sharing of naval forces to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia” as an example of India’s contributions to IO security.
US India Security Burden Sharing U.S.-India Security Burden-Sharing? The Potential for Coordinated Capacity-Building in the Indian Ocean Building a partnership with India is central to U.S. security ... . Envisioning India as a “provider of security in the broader Indian Ocean region,” the United States is naturally eager to pursue burden-sharing opportunities with India as a means to this end. India ... , then-Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao spoke about the growing view that “a robust Indian naval presence is seen as a necessary contribution to a cooperative regional security order” and discussed
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 1, November 2, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 1, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
the performance capabilities of the CH-6, the website states that the CH-6 “can conduct high-altitude reconnaissance and strike, maritime anti-submarine and patrol, long- range early ... AND NATIONAL SECURITY The US Naval Institute (USNI) reports that the PLA Navy is testing uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) at a new base near Dalian. Based on an analysis of commercial ... and digital economy, algorithms also affect “the normal communication order, market order, and social order” and “pose challenges to safeguarding ideological security, social fairness and justice
pla update: Issue 3, April 4, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 3, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). Each edition of this newsletter draws on the expertise of CNA's China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division to gather information and provide an update ... a commentary about US-Taiwan relations and their impact on the cross-Strait security situation. The author, Zhang Tuosheng , is currently the director of research at the non-governmental Grandview ... University's Center for International Security and Strategy. He is a former deputy defense attaché at the PRC Embassy in London and a former fellow at PLA National Defense University Institute
Forward from the Start
Why was the Navy at the forefront of the far-forward attacks on alQaeda in Afghanistan and the move against Iraq, while willing to take a back seat to the Coast Guard at home? Why did the Navy respond to one of the worst failures in defense at home in the nation's history principally by striking farther forward than it ever had before? Current national policy and naval strategy provide much of the answer, of course. History, however, also provides some clues.
more watch standers into the National Maritime Intelligence Center, and told the Commandant that he’d help in any way he could. Naval base security was beefed up, and later thirteen small Navymanned ... for that much smaller service. Much of its force structure on the East Coast sped for New York, where the Coast Guard provided security for the evacuation of a million people from the lower Manhattan ... by dint of hard work by officers, sailors and civilians alike: Base security stayed heightened, new barriers appeared at gates and in the water; Navy master-at-arms forces expanded; and a couple
pla update: Issue 16, December 1, 2023
PLA Update, Issue 16, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
enforcement, and maritime security. Since the previous issue of PLA UPDATE , the PLA concluded several bilateral and multilateral exercises with countries around China's land and maritime periphery ... on counterterrorism and maritime security. Sea Guardians 3. The navies of the PRC and Pakistan carried out this exercise from November 11 to 17 in the waters and airspace of the northern Arabian Sea ... by Senior Colonel Xu Kui-a professor at the PLA National Defense University's (NDU) National Security College-that discussed differences between the concepts of war mobilization and national
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