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ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 38, May 16, 2022
adapter for an initial diagnostic, relaying data back to the specialists. In theory, this concept is in line with the Russian MOD’s general approach to the development of unmanned and autonomous weapons ... the recovery rate of minerals by 10-30%. And the reduction in the cost of mining will be up to 50%. According to our data, the use of robotic mining equipment can reduce labor costs by 80% and can increase ... routine manual labor—now the recognition and extraction of data from paper documents is automatic, easy and fast, and the probability of making an error under the influence of the human factor has
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 20, August 11, 2022
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 20, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
that the 2021 Data Security Law of the PRC was an important step for ensuring data security management and privacy. [9] The fourth concept is the "talent environment," which holds ... . Intelligent Warfare PLA Daily article calls for increasing the practical application of AI, big data, and cloud computing. The PLA Daily carried an article emphasizing the need for PLA ... . In particular, it calls for increasing the practical application of AI, big data, and cloud computing to "unveil" the mystery of intelligent warfare and bring about the effective integration of the land
Leading the Industry in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
CNA has been a leader in conducting research, designing frameworks, and developing methodologies to build Cybersecurity measures for UAS. We support the development of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) UAS Traffic Management (UTM) requirements, which represents a new paradigm in aviation traffic management.
aviation to new entrants such as UAS. We provide innovative data analytics and data science to the FAA Command Center and create data analytics visualizations to support air traffic management ... the development of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) UAS Traffic Management (UTM) requirements, which represents a new paradigm in aviation traffic management. UAS TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (UTM) CNA ... Administration's (FAA) UAS Traffic Management (UTM) requirements , which represents a new paradigm in aviation traffic management. We apply forward-thinking strategies, such as zero trust architecture , in our
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 31, February 7, 2022
that industry has shown opposition to such regulation, arguing that it is premature. Reports quote a Big Data Association representative saying, “At this level of technology development ... managers, and officials, could “manipulate citizen personal data for personal or corporate gain.” The council report shows particular concern that a growing number of government officials—“digital power”—which have small salaries but receive access to personal data, could be vulnerable to bribery. CNews quotes industry representatives familiar with the report who suggest that “the document makes
DoD Function Codes
Department of Defense (DoD) function codes identify the type of work performed by all activities in the defense infrastructure and operating forces.
of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76 processes. Although the A-76 program has been suspended, the congressional reporting requirement remains. Further, the pressure to shape the total force ... to improve the quality of function code data as part of the annual IG/CA Inventory data submission. Whereas all components’ IG/CA Inventories were previously subjected to a quality control process, reviewed extensively for errors, and analyzed to ensure consistency, little attention has been paid to the quality of IG/CA Inventory data since the A-76 program was suspended. The data should again
ai with ai: EPIC BLOOM
Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI and autonomy news and research, including an announcement that the Federal Trade Commission is exploring rules for cracking down on harmful commercial surveillance and lax data security, with the public having an opportunity to share input during a virtual public form on 8 September 2022. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), with help from Caroline Kraczon, releases The State of State AI Policy, a catalog of AI-related bills that states and local governments have passed, introduced or failed during the 2021-2022 legislative season. In robotics, Xiaomi introduces CyberOne, a 5-foot 9-inch robot that can identify “85 types of environmental sounds and 45 classifications of human emotions.” Meanwhile at a recent Russian arms fair, Army-2022, a developer showed off a robot dog with a rocket-propelled grenade strapped to its back. NIST updates its AI Risk Management Framework to the second draft, making it available for review and comment. DARPA launches the SocialCyber project, a hybrid-AI project aimed at helping to protect the integrity of open-source code. BigScience launches BLOOM (BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual Language Model), a “bigger than GPT-3” multilanguage (46) model that a group of over 1,000 AI researchers has created, that anyone can download and tinker with it for free. Researchers at MIT develop artificial synapses that shuttle protons, resulting in synapses 10,000 times faster than biological ones. China’s Comprehensive National Science Center claims that it has developed “mind-reading AI” capable of measuring loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. Researchers at the University of Sydney demonstrate that human brains are better at identifying deepfakes than people, by examining results directly from neural activity. Researchers at the University of Glasgow combine AI with human vision to see around corners, reconstructing 16x16-pixel images of simple objects that the observer could not directly see. GoogleAI publishes research on Minerva, using language models to solve quantitative reasoning problems, and dramatically increasing the SotA. Researchers from MIT, Columbia, Harvard, and Waterloo publish work on a neural network that solves, explains, and generates university math problems “at a human level.” CSET makes available the Country Activity Tracker for AI, an interactive tool on tech competitiveness and collaboration. And a group of researchers at Merced’s Cognitive and Information Sciences Program make available Neural Networks in Cognitive Science.
surveillance and lax data security, with the public having an opportunity to share input during a virtual public form on 8 September 2022. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), with help from ... , Army-2022, a developer showed off a robot dog with a rocket-propelled grenade strapped to its back. NIST updates its AI Risk Management Framework to the second draft, making it available for review ... . /images/AI-Posters/Season%205/%235_22_EPIC_BLOOM.jpg EPIC BLOOM Announcements / News FTC Explores Rules Cracking Down on Commercial Surveillance and Lax Data Security Practices Statement of Chair
intersections: Issue 9, April 2024
Intersections, Issue 9, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security.
. Figure 1. Declining access to economic data China economic disclosures: annual number of economic indicators made available by China's National Bureau of Statistics Source: FT, October 21, 2022 based on CEIC/CNBS data Yet achieving China's innovation and self-reliance goals will not be easy given China's current economic challenges. The PRC government work report notes ... difficult as public access to PRC economic data continues to decline. (Figure 1 summarizes the decline in publicly available economic indicators over the past decade, according to PRC government data
China's national security laws: implications beyond borders
The People's Republic of China uses national security laws to assert its interests, including modernizing China's military and controlling critical technology.
and data management and storage. Companies must report to and cooperate with PRC authorities, and they must assist with state-directed intelligence and counterintelligence efforts. Data may fall ... for China to: Access data or encryption keys held by foreign firms with operations in the PRC (Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, Cryptography Law) Detain foreign nationals living, working ... from sending “sensitive” data abroad (Data Security Law, Counterespionage Law) Require PRC citizens to assist in intelligence-gathering activities (National Intelligence Law) National security
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 17, June 16, 2022
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 17, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
, electrical engineering and automation, and big data technology. This marks a shift from previous years where, from 2013-2016, majors such as financial management, international economics, and other majors ... adopting new technologies, such as AI, big data, the Internet of Things, and new computing power, is leading to "intelligent battlefield operations." The authors describe how the "extensive application ... weapons and equipment are able to analyze situations independently and make corresponding decisions based on information provided by command information systems and data from sensor technologies
Rebekah Yang Honored for Analytical Excellence at CNA Awards
CNA honored Systems Engineer Dr. Rebekah Yang with the Phil E. Depoy Award for Analytical Excellence.
are truly remarkable." Presenting the award, CNA President and CEO Dr. Katherine McGrady said that Yang's UAS Traffic Management Message Security approach "has played a pivotal role in shaping the FAA's ... FAA cybersecurity strategy, the paper she wrote on her Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management Message Security approach won first place at the 2022 Integrated Communications, Navigation ... facilities from COVID-19.  CEO Teamwork Award: FEMA Grants Management Modernization Team CNA's FEMA Grants Management Modernization Team was honored for their superior performance in leading
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