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Your search for Maritime Security found 140 results.

coming in from the cold: The Cold War at the Top of the World
On this episode of Coming in from the Cold, Bill and his guests put the cold in Cold War. Steve Wills returns along with Josh Tallis to discuss the history of the Cold War in the Arctic and its implications for modern Arctic security.
14 On this episode of Coming in from the Cold, Bill and his guests put the cold in Cold War. Steve Wills returns along with Josh Tallis to discuss the history of the Cold War in the Arctic and its implications for modern Arctic security. The Cold War at the Top of the World Biographies Joshua Tallis  is a Research Scientist specializing in maritime security, irregular threats, and issues of naval and national security strategy. Josh also served as the CNA field representative to Carrier Strike Group EIGHT during the Navy's first instantiation of Dynamic Force Employment in the High
CNA Welcomes Retired Vice Admiral William Merz to Board of Trustees
Retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral William Merz joined the CNA Board of Trustees.
, Taiwan, U.N. Security Operations in the East China Sea, and coalition operations in Korea. He also oversaw U.S. and NATO maritime response to Ukraine and daily naval interactions with China and Taiwan. "It is an honor to join the distinguished ranks of the CNA Board of Trustees," said Vice Adm. Merz. "CNA is an essential partner to the military in addressing our nation's security issues. I plan
AI and Autonomy in Russia Issue 27
CNA provides information and analysis of the field of civilian and military AI in Russia and how Russia is applying AI to its military capabilities. Issue 27.
is pushing military AI and autonomy in the maritime domain. Russia advances in international supercomputer rankings because of new Yandex and Sber additions. Studies point to reasons for Russia's ... anonymized data bases" because "in current conditions any attempt to establish a monopoly on data limits free competition and economic development." Security of personal citizen information needs ... for Russia's Federal Security Service, highlighted the potential that AI in the hands of terrorists could pose a threat to society. He argued for international cooperation to develop rules to cope
Gender Research and Analysis
This page aims to highlight CNA’s body of research that examines the security implications of gender for the United States, our allies, and competitors.
half of its population. Dr. Veronica De Allende The Watch: Women at Sea are Essential for Maritime Security orange right-justified white CategoryLists /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2021/05 ... Gender This page aims to highlight CNA’s body of research that examines the security implications of gender for the United States, our allies, and competitors. Gender Research and Analysis https ... the national and international security implications of gender for the United States military, our allies and partners, and competitors. Our studies focus on recruiting, representation, performance
American Naval Policy in the Second Decade
This paper provides a brief overview of U.S. Navy policy, strategy, plans and operations. It discusses some basic fundamentals and the Navy’s three major operational activities: peacetime engagement, crisis response, and wartime combat. It concludes with a general discussion of U.S. naval forces. It was originally written as a contribution to an international conference on maritime strategy and security, and originally published as a chapter in a Routledge handbook in 2015. The author is a longtime contributor to, advisor on, and observer of US Navy strategy and policy, and the paper represents his personal but well-informed views. The paper was written while the Navy (and Marine Corps and Coast Guard) were revising their tri- service strategy document A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower, finally signed and published in March 2015, and includes suggestions made by the author to the drafters during that time.
with a general discussion of U.S. naval forces. It was originally written as a contribution to an international conference on maritime strategy and security, and originally published as a chapter ... Handbook of Naval Strategy and Security, edited by Joachim Krause and Sebastian Bruns, and published by Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York). It is reproduced here by the kind permission
Future of US India Naval Relations
CNA conducted this study to determine how the United States can advance its naval and maritime relationship with India in the coming five to 10 years. U.S.-India defense relations, especially in the naval domain, have expanded in the past two decades and soared under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The study analyzes the key factors that have shaped the course of relations between the U.S. Navy (USN) and the Indian Navy and considers India’s possible future trajectories and how they may impact bilateral naval ties. CNA concludes that key factors affecting the evolution of the USN-Indian Navy relationship are mostly beyond the control of the two navies themselves. Despite the wider diplomatic and geopolitical circumstances, there are many overlapping areas of ongoing interest between the two navies that favor closer ties. Finally, drawing on an accompanying project paper, this study suggests viewing the increasing importance of the region west of India as a promising area of bilateral naval security cooperation.
Future of US India Naval Relations The Future of U.S.-India Naval Relations CNA conducted this study to determine how the United States can advance its naval and maritime relationship with India ... the increasing importance of the region west of India as a promising area of bilateral naval security cooperation. Washington’s relations with New Delhi have soared to new heights. President Barack Obama became ... security cooperation with the Indian Navy. They are: Baseline trajectory: continuation of the current, incremental growth in India’s economic and military capabilities Alternate trajectory 1
US Navy Capstone Strategy What to Do
This paper provides a detailed set of recommendations intended to be useful to Navy decision-makers and staff officers charged with developing the current and next generations of US Navy capstone documents. It is part of a larger study of the drafting and influence of all US Navy capstone documents since 1970.
procuring primarily sea control capabilities, would be dysfunctional. Likewise, to declare a Navy focus on maritime security and humanitarian assistance operations, while providing little training in those
Three Questions, Ep. 01: Mallory Ladd
Dr. Mallory Ladd is a research analyst at CNA where she specializes in Arctic maritime operations and security analysis for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Her work has included studies and wargames that have assessed military and non-military capabilities, platforms, and systems to address questions at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. She also conducts research in the field in support of exercises, including recently embarking on USS Theodore Roosevelt during the Navy’s first carrier deployment to the Gulf of Alaska in over a decade for Northern Edge, and embedding with the expeditionary unit of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group One on Adak, AK for the Arctic Expeditionary Capabilities Exercise. Ladd obtained her PhD in analytical chemistry through the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Graduate Research and Education at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and holds a BSc in chemistry from the University of Toledo.
Three Questions, Ep. 01: Mallory Ladd Dr. Mallory Ladd is a research analyst at CNA where she specializes in Arctic maritime operations and security analysis for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Her work has included studies and wargames that have assessed military and non-military capabilities, platforms, and systems to address questions at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. She also conducts research in the field in support of exercises, including recently embarking on USS Theodore Roosevelt during the Navy’s first carrier deployment to the Gulf of Alaska in over a decade
William Merz
as senior Navy liaison for the Australia-United Kingdom-US (AUKUS) Defense Initiative, commanded three task forces (CTF-54, 74, 77), and led UN Security Operations in the East China Sea. He authored Navy and Marine Corps warfighting concepts and maritime elements of the National Defense Strategy, the Nuclear Posture Review, and the Navy’s “Blue Arctic.” A career US Navy submariner, Adm. Merz
Strategy and Policy Analysis Program
Analysis of defense policy, global alliances, nuclear issues, non-traditional security challenges and Arctic strategy.
=node&id=40501 quick-look Women at sea are essential for maritime security article Where are the Carriers ... Strategy and Policy Analysis Analysis of defense policy, global alliances, nuclear issues, non-traditional security challenges and Arctic strategy. /images/Centers ... development and lessons learned Global alliances and partnerships Nuclear and deterrence issues Non-traditional security issues Arctic strategy and policy Our analysis
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