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Your search for Michael Connell found 17 results.

Michael Connell
Michael Connell is a Middle East and Russia specialist at CNA. His primary area of expertise is Iran’s armed forces.
Connell-Michael Michael Connell is a Middle East and Russia specialist at CNA. His primary area of expertise is Iran’s armed forces. /images/Experts/Connell-Michael.jpg Michael Connell ... to the headquarters of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, Bahrain. Prior to joining CNA, Connell was an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army. Connell earned his doctorate in history and Middle Eastern studies from Harvard University and his Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern studies from Brandeis University. Michael Connell Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more
InclusiveNatSec Crackdown in Iran
CNA expert Dr. Michael Connell, principal research scientist, and the distinguished Dr. Nazee Moinian, non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute, shared background on the Iranian protests and the 1979 revolution and offered their perspectives on the current events unfolding in Iran.
InclusiveNatSec Crackdown in Iran InclusiveNatSec: The Crackdown in Iran CNA expert Dr. Michael Connell, principal research scientist, and the distinguished Dr. Nazee Moinian, non-resident scholar ... , peace, and security issues both regionally and globally. CNA expert Dr. Michael Connell, principal research scientist, and the distinguished Dr. Nazee Moinian, non-resident scholar at the Middle East ... emigrating from Iran, and it was moderated by Nilanthi Samaranayake, research program director of CNA’s Strategy and Policy Analysis program. Reflections from Dr. Michael Connell and Dr. Nazee Moinian
coming in from the cold: The Iran-Iraq War
Michael Connell, the head of CNA’s Iran Studies Program, joins Bill and returning guest Kasey Stricklin to discuss the Iran-Iraq war.
6 Michael Connell, the head of CNA’s Iran Studies Program, joins Bill and returning guest Kasey Stricklin to discuss the Iran-Iraq war. The Iran-Iraq War Kasey Stricklin  is a research analyst with CNA's Russia program. Her current research focuses on Russian naval leadership, personnel and demographics. She has also conducted research at CNA on Russian nuclear strategy and thinking. She currently writes on women in the Russian economy for BMB Russia. Michael Connell   is an expert in Persian-Gulf security-related issues, the armed forces of Iran, U.S.-GCC security cooperation
Mobilizing Cooperation to Advance National Security
, and Security This event took place on October 25, 2022. Featuring:  Dr. Michael Connell , Principal Research Scientist, Strategy, Plans, Policies, and Programs Division, CNA and  Nazee Moinian ... States and Europe This event took place on March 14, 2022. Featuring: Amb. Michael Mann , Ambassador at Large for the Arctic, European Union, Mr. Mark E. Rosen , Senior Vice President
Future of US India Naval Relations
CNA conducted this study to determine how the United States can advance its naval and maritime relationship with India in the coming five to 10 years. U.S.-India defense relations, especially in the naval domain, have expanded in the past two decades and soared under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The study analyzes the key factors that have shaped the course of relations between the U.S. Navy (USN) and the Indian Navy and considers India’s possible future trajectories and how they may impact bilateral naval ties. CNA concludes that key factors affecting the evolution of the USN-Indian Navy relationship are mostly beyond the control of the two navies themselves. Despite the wider diplomatic and geopolitical circumstances, there are many overlapping areas of ongoing interest between the two navies that favor closer ties. Finally, drawing on an accompanying project paper, this study suggests viewing the increasing importance of the region west of India as a promising area of bilateral naval security cooperation.
Samaranayake Michael Connell /reports/2017/drm-2016-u-013938-final2.pdf /reports/2017/drm-2016-u-013938-final2_Page_01.jpg /reports/2017/india%20naval.jpg Strategy and Policy Analysis
Russias Approach to Cyber Warfare
This paper is an attempt to address these issues as they pertain to a particularly potent cyber adversary: Russia. Russia’s cyber capabilities are highly advanced, and Moscow has demonstrated a willingness to employ offensive cyber in situations other than war to affect political and economic outcomes in neighboring states and to deter its adversaries.
playing a more central role. Michael Connell Sarah Vogler /reports/2017/DOP-2016-U-014231-1Rev.pdf /reports/2017/DOP-2016-U-014231-1Rev_Page_01.jpg /reports/2017/russia.jpg Russia Studies
Independent Assessment of the Afghan National Security Forces
This assessment, tasked by the United States Congress, was made by analysts in CNA’s Center for Strategic Studies. Dr. Jonathan Schroden led this work, and many CNA analysts con- tributed to the results. Their names are on the cover. The CNA analysts involved in this assess- ment have considerable experience with Afghanistan’s security situation, many having been assigned in Afghanistan and having worked with United States, NATO, and Afghan security forces, and knowing the local language. The Center for Strategic Studies engages in analysis of security matters of many kinds in all parts of the world. We have significant expertise in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. On-the-ground experience, knowledge of local languages, and use of local primary source data to produce empirically-based analyses are hallmarks of our regional work. This report contains the best opinion of CNA at the time of issue. It does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Sponsor, the Secretary of Defense.
DRM-2014-U-006815-final Mark Rosen Daniella Mak Nicholas Hutchinson Mary Ellen Connell Nilanthi Samaranayake Sarah Vogler Michael Markowitz Jim Gavrilis Michael Connell Catherine Norman Jerry Meyerle
Understanding an Adversarys Strategic Calculus
Insights into the strategic and operational calculus of a 21st century adversary – like Iran -- can be gained by examining similar cases. One such case is the evolution in the U.S. understanding of the Soviet Union’s strategic and operational calculus regarding the wartime employment of its navy during the last two decades of the Cold War.
On integration On analysis and war gaming On impediments On change On exploitation On applicability to 21st-century Iran. Peter M. Swartz Michael Connell /reports/2013/cop-2013-u-005622-final.pdf
coming in from the cold: The Last Shah of Iran
Dr. Afshon Ostovar Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School and CNA’s Mike Connell join Bill to discuss the rise and fall of the Shah of Iran.
24 Dr. Afshon Ostovar Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School and CNA’s Mike Connell join Bill to discuss the rise and fall of the Shah of Iran. The Last Shah of Iran Dr. Afshon Ostovar is an Associate Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School. He is also a Robert A. Fox Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Michael Connell   is an expert in Persian-Gulf security-related issues, the armed forces of Iran, U.S.-GCC security cooperation, and adversary cyber policy and strategy. He has served as CNA's Field Analyst to Naval Forces
Role of Space in Russia Operations in Ukraine
Analysis: Russian military space activities in Ukraine have played a critical enabling role for Russian forces, but Russia operates at a disadvantage in space.
to consider defensive operations to defend information resources." Michael Connell /reports/2023/11/Role-of-Space-in-Russias-Operations-in-Ukraine.pdf /reports/2023/11