Age The largest proportions of FY 2000 NPS Reserve Component accessions were in the 17- to 19-year age group (Table 5.2). The one exception to this trend was the USNR, which had 68 percent falling in the 25- to 34-year age group. This was true, despite the high percentage of unknown age for NPS Reserve Component accessions to the USNR (15 percent in FY 2000).
Several factors contribute to age differences within the Reserve Component, including the size of the recruiting mission and the incentives used by recruiters. ARNG and USAR recruiters work extensively with the high school population because of the size of their respective NPS recruiting missions. Although the high school senior market is their primary target, recruiters use the split training option as an important incentive. This option allows high school juniors to enlist and attend basic training after their junior year of high school, and then enter skill training a year later upon graduating from high school. In FY 2000, 40 percent of ARNG NPS recruits were students still enrolled in high school. This is an increase of 7-percentage points from FY 1999. Twenty-one percent of USAR NPS recruits were students still enrolled in high school. |