Race/Ethnicity Table 6.2 shows the FY 2000 Selected Reserve officer accessions and officer corps by race/ethnicity. The proportions of Black and Hispanic officer accessions in the Selected Reserve (10 and 4 percent, respectively) are comparable to the proportions in the Active Component (9 and 5 percent, respectively). In FY 2000, the Selected Reserve accessed fewer new officers of "Other" race/ethnicity than the Active Component (6 percent versus 8 percent). The Army components of the Selected Reserve have the highest proportions of Black (ARNG 8 percent, USAR 16 percent) and Hispanic (ARNG and USAR 5 percent, each) officers. The USNR has the lowest percentage of Blacks (4 percent); the USNR and USAFR have 2 and 3 percent Hispanic officers, respectively the lowest of the Reserve Components. In the remaining components, the proportion of Black officers is approximately 4 to 6 percent and the proportion of Hispanic officers is 3 percent. The Reserve Component maintained an equal percentage of officers of the "Other" race/ethnicity group as the Active Component (4 percent).