Race/Ethnicity. As shown in Table 5.9, the
proportion of minority Servicemembers varies by Reserve Component. The proportion of Blacks is higher than in the comparable civilian group (18 and 12 percent, respectively), but lower than in the Active Component
(22 percent). The USAR has the largest proportion of Blacks (28 percent), while the ANG has the lowest (9 percent). The USMCR has the greatest proportion of Hispanic members (13 percent) and, along with the
ANG, the greatest proportion of "Other" racial minorities (6 percent). The USAR data are affected by the large number of FY 1998 accessions with unknown race/ethnicity who are included in the
"Other" minorities category.
Table 5.9. FY 1998 Selected Reserve Enlisted Members, by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, And Component, and Civilian Labor Force 18–49 Years Old (Percent) |
Race/ Ethnicity |
Army National Guard |
Army Reserve |
Naval Reserve |
Marine Corps Reserve |
Air National Guard |
Air Force Reserve |
Total DoD |
White |
73.8 |
61.9 |
74.0 |
68.9 |
80.6 |
73.6 |
72.1 |
Black |
15.3 |
23.5 |
13.7 |
11.9 |
7.7 |
15.9 |
15.6 |
Hispanic |
7.4 |
8.9 |
7.8 |
13.1 |
5.7 |
5.7 |
7.7 |
Other |
3.5 |
5.8 |
4.5 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
4.8 |
4.6 |
Total |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
White |
61.3 |
46.8 |
64.6 |
59.8 |
72.6 |
62.5 |
58.3 |
Black |
28.4 |
40.9 |
23.7 |
20.7 |
15.5 |
27.6 |
30.3 |
Hispanic |
6.2 |
6.8 |
7.3 |
13.8 |
5.2 |
4.9 |
6.4 |
Other |
4.1 |
5.5 |
4.3 |
5.7 |
6.7 |
5.0 |
5.1 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
White |
72.6 |
58.2 |
72.2 |
68.5 |
79.3 |
71.4 |
70.0 |
Black |
16.6 |
27.7 |
15.6 |
12.3 |
9.0 |
18.2 |
17.8 |
Hispanic |
7.3 |
8.3 |
7.7 |
13.1 |
5.6 |
5.5 |
7.5 |
Other |
3.6 |
5.7 |
4.5 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
4.9 |
4.7 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
White |
Black |
Hispanic |
Other |
Total |
71.6 |
12.1 |
11.7 |
4.6 |
100.0 |
Columns may not add to total due to rounding. Also see Appendix Tables
C-17 (Race/Ethnicity by Component and Gender) and C-18 (Ethnicity by Component).
Source: Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey File, September 1998. |
Substantial gender differences exist in the racial and ethnic composition of Reserve Component members (Appendix Table C-17). While Black males represent 16
percent of the male enlisted Selected Reserve, Black females represent 30 percent of females. Approximately 54 percent of USAR females are minorities: 41 percent
Black, 7 percent Hispanic, and 6 percent in the "Other" racial category. Conversely, the ANG has the lowest proportion of minority females (27 percent), compared to
28 percent in the 18- to 49-year-old civilian labor force. Go to next. |