Characteristics of Deployed Active Component Personnel Active Component personnel represented 95 percent of all Servicemen and Servicewomen deployed to Kosovo, Bosnia, or the Persian Gulf in FY 2000. The description of social representation for these individuals focuses on gender, race/ethnicity, occupational assignment, and pay grade. Gender Table 8.2 presents the breakdown by gender of the enlisted personnel and officers deployed to Kosovo, Bosnia, or the Persian Gulf, as well as comparable information for the Total Force. In general, women were underrepresented among deployed Servicemembers, compared to their representation in the Total Force. Women made up 9 percent of deployed enlisted personnel and 8 percent of deployed officers, compared to 15 percent of all active duty personnel. This proportion varied little among the three locations. This difference was not due to any assignment bias against deploying women; rather, it resulted from the occupational mix of deployed military units, as will be discussed in a later section about occupational representation.